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aerial photo meaning in Hindi

aerial photo sentence in Hindi

हवाई फोटो
aerial    एरियल
photo    चित्र छबि
1.Aerial photos do not do justice to the magnitude of its fall.

2.Rubin showed reporters a newly declassified aerial photo of the four-square-mile base.

3.Alt = Aerial photo of a large open area bordered by thick vegetation.

4.Aerial photos were not generally available to commanders in the field.

5.These evidence included seven Nanjing maps dated December, 1937 and two aerial photos.

6.After that, Berlin started using Allied aerial photos to help locate possible duds.

7.An outline of the airfield remains as agricultural fields in aerial photos today.

8.Aerial photos were also being studied to evaluate any new risk.

9.Evidence from aerial photos and satellite images may also be used.

10.When Adlai Stevenson did it with aerial photos of Cuba, the world gasped.

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How to say aerial photo in Hindi and what is the meaning of aerial photo in Hindi? aerial photo Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.